Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is your work phone number listed correctly on the staff directory?

Have you checked the staff directory on our website lately? If you have not checked this yet this year you might want to do this.

Type in the name (if you do not know how to spell first or last names exactly try the first letter of each - it will require more letters if there are too many matches)

If you notice that your work phone number is incorrect please click on the link below
Work Phone Number Update

The advanced search by Location, Department, or Job is a handy feature that I use daily. See who else is teaching what you teach.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Withheld Student Information in Infinite Campus

The link below shows what the Infinite Campus page looks like with regard to student information. You will also see what the ad hoc report looks like when a teacher requests information about parent preferences for student confidentiality.

Withold Student Information Doc

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Additional Infinite Campus Training Sessions - Extended Employment Only

Over the next two weeks we are offering additional Infinite Campus Training Sessions at Doyle for Extended Employment. Participants can register by filling out the form below.

Here are the dates and times:

Tuesday, November 15 - Doyle Computer Lab (Rm 216) 4:30-6:30 - Middle School Staff Only
Wednesday, November 16 - Doyle Computer Lab (Rm 216) 4:30-6:30 - High School Staff Only
Thursday, November 17 - Doyle Computer Lab (Rm 207) 4:30-6:30 - Middle School Staff Only 
Tuesday, November 22 - Doyle Computer Lab (Rm 207) 4:30-6:30 - High School Staff Only 

Thank you,
Stacy & Tina

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

iPad Research & Resources from Apple

People have been asking us for more information about how iPads can be used in classrooms. Here is some research shared with us from our Apple representative and an article that was published yesterday in Edutopia.

Current Article in Edutopia.org - "Teaching and Learning: Using iPads in the Classroom" (10/31/11)

Project Revolutionizing Education (RED)
Research data suggest improvement in test scores
This information is included in the attached graph entitled ResearchData1

Chicago Public Schools - Preliminary iPad research
Preliminary research has been gathered on the impact that new technology tools have on students in Chicago Public Schools. Over the last year, CPS schools using iPads have reported increased student motivation, higher quality of work, and a significant increase in student level engagement when being taught in the ares of math, reading, literacy, science, and other subjects. This has been attributed to the broader range of teaching tools available though the iPad and the devices ability to engage student's visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses. CPS has reported gains as high as 50-60% in Reading, Math and Science. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpiVeC1Z3yI&sns=em

Maine Learns
In preparing youth for the future economy, The Maine Learning Initiative, is a statewide program to provide every seventh and eighth grade student and their teachers with laptop computers, and to provide professional development and training for helping teachers integrate them into their classroom instruction
Attached, please find a PDF which includes data from seven years of the Maine program.

Canby Tests against Standard Scores
Also attached (ipodachievement PDF) which demonstrates the "control" group vs. the iPod classroom
Green County N. Carolina - College Going Rate Improvement