Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Where has my Apps Tool Bar Gone?

I logged into Gmail yesterday and for a second I was wondering what happened to my apps tool bar (Drive, Sites, Calendar, etc). The update was posted in the Google Apps Updates Blog, but I guess I failed to read it ahead of time even though they email me alerts :(

Google also has this Google Apps Release Calendar where they share the updates...in case you want to bookmark it.

Luckily, shortly after opening Gmail this message appeared below and I had enough coffee in me to pay attention to reading it...ahhhh!!!

To get your apps...select the app launcher boxes (as circled below).

After you select this you will see your apps in this box (as shown on the left). 

For a demo and more information check out this site...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chrome Web Apps for Education - Reviewed

Chrome Apps and Extensions can be added to your MMSD Google Apps for Education account if you are a teacher or high school student through the Chrome Web Store. Take a look at this blog for more info. 
Web App Reviews is run by educators Eric Curts and Sean Beavers.  Both are Google Apps Certified Trainers and Google Certified Teachers